Villavicencio v. Lukban

G.R. No. L-14639  March 25, 1919 [Habeas Corpus]

Mayor Lukban, for the best of all reasons, to exterminate vice, ordered the segregated district for women of ill repute, which had been permitted for a number of years in the city of Manila, closed. The city authorities quietly perfected arrangements with the Bureau of Labor for sending the women to Davao, Mindanao, as laborers; with some government office for the use of the coastguard cutters Corregidor and Negros, and with the Constabulary for a guard of soldiers.

Whether or not the person be actually confined for writ of Habeas Corpus to issue.

No, there is no need for actual confinement. Any restraint which precludes freedom of action is sufficient. The forcible taking of women of ill-repute from Manila to be brought to Davao, deprived them of their freedom of locomotion just as effectively as if they were imprisoned.